Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links (10.2.11)

All the links posted to Facebook and Twitter (@) this week: 

  • The 100 Most Important Japanese Words You Should Know
  • More about teenage brains.
  • A brief history of the brain
  • Virtual Monkeys Are Working On Producing The Complete Works Of Shakespeare Already done 3 plays!
  • Time on the Brain: How You Are Always Living In the Past, and Other Quirks of Perception
  • What is magical? Etienne Mineur, the inventor of cool
  • Lessons from Sherlock Holmes: Don’t Tangle Two Lines of
  • Lessons from Sherlock Holmes: Paying Attention to What Isn’t
  • Lessons from Sherlock Holmes: Perspective Is Everything, Details Alone Are Nothing
  • Lessons from Sherlock Holmes: Cultivate What You Know to Optimize How You Decide
  • Don’t Just See, Observe: What Sherlock Holmes Can Teach Us About Mindful Decisions
  • The Ropes at Disney: 1943 Walt Disney Employee Handbook Love this.
  • Understanding The Mysterious Teenage Brain : NPR
  • Own a colour, save a life
  • Wired Magazine Goes Inside Google Plus
  • An online charity connecting you to classrooms in
  • Launching Today Google Analytics Premium, paid accounts with extra functionality.
  • Google Analytics Starts Real Time Reports
  • MIT Media Lab: Ganging Up on Cyberbullying Using applied natural language processing to find and fight bullying.
  • Volkswagen Beetle Great website, just scroll. /via @daringfireball
  • The transformation of the book industry: Disappearing ink
  • Google digitises Dead Sea Scrolls
  • The new issue of Think Quarterly by Google is now out. The People Richard Branson’s article is great.
  • Happy National Coffee Day
  • How the World Uses Social Networks
  • Why’d It Take So Long To Invent The Wheel?
  • The Secret To Apple’s Long-Term Success? It Always Prepares You For The Future
  • The Four Hallmarks of Bad Strategy
  • Daring Fireball: Amazon’s New Kindles Fantastic insight.
  • How Americans Spend Their Day
  • Scratch-and-Sniff New York Guide Tells the City’s Story Through
  • Creativity Top 5: September 26, 2011
  • 150 Years of Elegance A historic look at Italy’s fashion industry curated by two of its most prominent visionaries.
  • The Hollywood Reporter announces the nominees for Key Art Awards, honoring the best entertainment industry advertising.
  • ‘Vogue’ Covers by Salvador Dali
  • Artistic legacy: the tricky task of preserving an artist’s life and
  • Frank Oz: ‘I still lie when cab drivers ask me what I do’
  • Google Plus API Deep Dive for Developers with Chris Chabot
  • Libraries: Know Thine Audience - Inside Higher Ed
  • Letters of Note: Frank Sinatra on Crossword Puzzles
  • Italy’s 40K Books: No Paper, No Attention Span, No Problem
  • Evolution of Narcissism: Why We’re Overconfident, and Why It
  • A look at IBM’s ‘Think’ at Lincoln Center
  • John Rauser: What is a Career in Big Data?
  • Electronic education: Flipping the classroom
  • “What Font Should I Use?”: Five Principles for Choosing and Using Typefaces
  • IDEO: Big Innovation Lives Right on the Edge of Ridiculous