Hidden: The Week's Links
- Enter an Archive of 6,000 Historical Children's Books, All Digitized and Free to Read Online owl.li/byGp303KIAQ
- Your Creative Calendar: 102 Things To Do, See, And Hear In September owl.li/Onyy303Omv1
- How to Digitally Erase All Your Stuff When You Quit Your Job owl.li/Bgxj303JUv8
- Unusual Company Portraits owl.li/AiDB303JoqY
- Why our ancestors drilled holes in each other's skulls owl.li/mp2a303JnRY
- Communication Arts Design Annual 2016 owl.li/g1Fh303J7tw
- Turning photos into posters for imaginary movies owl.li/ai1P303Jadl
- Why Aren’t You Asking Questions? owl.li/I3yj303J2Y1
- Seeing Is Believing: How Marie Tharp Changed Geology Forever owl.li/mZmb303J9qM
- Using design lessons from the past to shape the future owl.li/BHaJ303J2vQ
- Found: A Huge Reef Hiding Right Behind the Great Barrier Reef owl.li/ghTk303J8WX
- A Science-Backed Guide to Taking Truly Restful Breaks owl.li/vBda303J7IY
- ◉ Talk Less, Do More owl.li/xZAx303F7bj
- Linux is 25. Yay! Let’s celebrate with 25 stunning facts about Linux. owl.li/vImH303J1RS
- Six Brain Hacks To Learn Anything Faster owl.li/dMPv303IYiO
- Gallery: Unreal pictures of ice and water owl.li/RsNu303Hhni
- Read a Chilling Letter From Bonnie and Clyde owl.li/Fb8x303Hv2t
- X-rays suggest ironic end for famous human ancestor Lucy owl.li/7MK9303H3lV
- A Hero For The Arts And Sciences: Upcoming Marvel Covers Promote STEAM Fields owl.li/6NfL303HuWf
- 'Mars Mission' Crew Emerges From Yearlong Simulation In Hawaii owl.li/OgD2303H20q
- Researchers Discover a Way to Grow a 500-Acre Forest in an Egyptian Desert owl.li/pU2h303HuSw
- Get Lost in the Stacks of These 10 Beautiful University Libraries owl.li/CYJE303HuOz
- ◉ A brief introduction to 4D printing owl.li/PW52303F78r
- New Exhibition Shares Rare Ansel Adams Photos of the American West owl.li/8fcY303GX2L
- Barry Schwartz: The way we think about work is broken owl.li/nXi9303GUTN
- Scientists Have Found How Cancer Spreads Through The Bloodstream owl.li/DUbi303F7BZ
- Watch sea urchins turn themselves inside out to be reborn owl.li/E7Iv303GUQJ
- This Battery Has Lasted Over 175 Years And No One Knows What It Is Made Of owl.li/AFTc303F7AX
- Mock Mars Explorers Emerge from Habitat to End Year of Isolation in Hawaii - Scientific American owl.li/do0g303GMoM
- Parents Didn’t Just Dislike Super Nintendo 25 Years Ago—They Thought It Was a Scam owl.li/T9aw303F7ln
- Help Crowdsource the History of Wine - Smithsonian owl.li/7ipT303FiRR
- John Ellenby, Visionary Who Helped Create Early Laptop, Dies at 75 owl.li/uo0p303F7Ry
- ◉ Demands owl.li/t5Gq303F76i
- Solar-Powered Pipe Desalinates Saltwater Into 1.5 Billion Gallons of Clean Drinking Water owl.li/O9sN303F6Yr
- The Most Exclusive Restaurant in America - The New Yorker owl.li/rZng303F5nU
- Gallery: Unreal pictures of ice and water owl.li/xCPx303EgME
- You Can Now Browse Harvard’s Huge Bauhaus Collection Online owl.li/6diL303F5jr
- Your Garbage Data Is A Gold Mine owl.li/panO303EgLo
- Fiction Podcasts Are Finally a Thing! Thank You, Sci-Fi and Horror owl.li/UMjy303F5ij
- Don Tapscott: How the blockchain is changing money and business owl.li/O8YN303EgJU
- Not a Drill: SETI Is Investigating a Possible Extraterrestrial Signal From Deep Space owl.li/pH6A303Grm9
- College Won’t Train You for a Job, and That’s Just Fine owl.li/wAoa303F5g0
- Our natural sleep cycle is nothing like what we do now owl.li/L6v5303F5fh
- ◉ Great Work owl.li/Z2ra303F72N
- New Study Finds A Virus That Breaks The Rules Of Viral Infection owl.li/zAk7303EeJK
- Crafting The First Mile Of Product owl.li/Z2Nn303Eesb
- Adam Grant: Can Slowing Down Help You Be More Creative? : NPR owl.li/YbYN303F7gl
- How a College Student Led the WikiProject Women Scientists owl.li/2vS2303D0dz
- Time lapse video of ice cream bars and popsicles melting owl.li/ZBgN303Eenc
- The Olympics Of Olympics Graphics owl.li/jTav303ACdP
- An Exclusive Look at How AI and Machine Learning Work at Apple – Backchannel owl.li/D3DK303Ee9S
- Ancient Egyptian Stories Will Be Published in English for the First Time owl.li/KIy5303ABK7
- The bizarre true story behind the “this is a work of fiction” disclaimer. owl.li/fuuN303EeYq
- Facebook Retools Trending Topics to Reduce Human Involvement owl.li/cAdI303Ee8E
- White House Proposes a New Immigration Rule for Entrepreneurs owl.li/gSYi303Ee6e
- The Story of Mexican Coke Is a Lot More Complex Than Hipsters Would Like to Admit owl.li/KH6f303AASn
- How Do Water Towers Work? owl.li/NZS2303AALF
- TED Playlist: The funniest TED Talks owl.li/hLzU303AtLM
- Big Question: Why Does Tap Water Go Stale Overnight? owl.li/a6dw303AAGX
- Underwater Portraits of Divers Plunging Into a Nearly Freezing Pool owl.li/W6LF303Atw1
- Netflix and the Future of Entertainment: Storytelling as a service owl.li/86yH303AAxG
- Like. Flirt. Ghost: A Journey Into the Social Media Lives of Teens owl.li/MNvl303Athv
- 29 Lessons From The Greatest Strategic Minds Who Ever Lived, Fought, Or Led owl.li/kzuI303Ay5Z
- Travel Back in Time With the Master of Photo Colorization owl.li/goB4303ABmD
- Ancient Egyptian Stories Will Be Published in English for the First Time owl.li/DWlr303AtTF
- Typography is impossible: The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want owl.li/pPPL303AcSo
- Designing for Television, Part 1 owl.li/xBHB303AcNN
- Neil Gaiman Reads “The Man Who Forgot Ray Bradbury,” His Lovely Present for Bradbury’s 91st Birthday owl.li/tddu303ysiC
- Imposter Syndrome and how creatives can deal with it owl.li/eBCY303AcyV
- You Should Update Your WhatsApp Settings Right Now owl.li/HlUK303CMMR
- The Mysterious History of the Ellipsis, From Medieval Subpuncting to Irrational Numbers owl.li/1T6F303yq1B
- How Chicken Conquered the American Dinner Plate owl.li/WHvt303zOc0
- Adopt New Tech Before Everyone Else owl.li/am0k303ypZG
- Lots of People Are Losing Distance Vision, and No One Knows Why owl.li/1iKc303ytbK
- These Brilliant Literary Maps Will Help You Understand Your Favorite Book owl.li/Ydwo303At9V
- Of Course Everyone’s Already Using the Leaked NSA Exploits owl.li/cJdF303ysyq